Why seek an advisory mission before buying or to undertake work for your property?

Are you about to buy a house or start a renovation work for your existing property? Before make an important decision that may have a financial impact considerable, it is essential to surround yourself with the best advice. This is where a comes inprofessional advice mission . That you be a potential buyer looking to assess the potential of a property or an owner considering renovations, it is wise to seek the advice of independent experts.

In this article, we will explore the reasons why a advisory mission is a preliminary step essential. You will discover the advantages of this approach, particularly in terms of evaluating the potential of your property real estate, making informed decisions in terms of development interior and exterior, as well as precise estimation of the costs of works. Don't take unnecessary risks and make sure you do the best choice for your real estate investment by obtaining professional advice.

  • What are the stages of an advisory visit?

    • Step 1: Make an appointment with an architect
    • Would you like to get expert advice for your Property ? Simply fill out our form and describe your property. Hello Archi will select then the most suitable architect for a visit in-depth.

    • Step 2: The visit
    • During the visit, the architect will accompany you to carefully examine your property. This crucial step will allow the expert to carry out a detailed analysis and to make essential landmarks. But it's not All ! It is also a unique opportunity for you to discuss your project in depth with the architect.

    • Step 3: Study of the case
    • Once back at his office, the architect immerses himself in the study of your property. He examines carefully all the details, taking into account the specific regulations that apply. His goal is to provide a complete and precise advice file, meeting your specific needs.

    • Step 4: Receipt of the file
    • Once the property analysis is complete, you will receive a complete file by e-mail, including all the information and recommendations from the architect. This folder is designed to provide you with a clear and details of the current condition of your property, as well as that solutions and suggestions proposed by the architect.

    Why call on an architect for a design mission? advice before buying a property?

    When you start looking for a property real estate, call on an architect may be a wise decision. By accompanying you during visits, the architect will be able to provide you with a accurate assessment of the current state of the structure of the building. Thanks to his experience in the field, he will know how to concentrate on the essential aspects, allowing you to to make an informed decision.

    During the visit, the architect will guide you through the well, showing you precisely the advantages and potential disadvantages. His expert opinion will be transparent and totally independent. He will pay attention particular to the general quality of the property:

    • the condition of the partitions,
    • load-bearing walls,
    • distribution networks such as water, electricity and the gas.

    In addition, it will study the volumes and configuration of parts in order to advise you on the possibilities of redevelopment of space.

    If you plan to build, the architect can also inform you about the possible options of expansion, whether it is an extension or a elevation. At the end of the visit, the architect provide a rough estimate of the cost of the work possible.

    By calling on an architect during your search for real estate , you benefit from the expertise of a professional who will help you to evaluate the technical, aesthetic and functionalities of the property. This will allow you to take informed decisions and having a clear vision of possible work to be considered.

    Why call on an architect for a design mission? advice after purchasing your property?

    The preliminary study of your property can also serve as a first meeting with your architect. During these visits, it is important to provide the architect with all the documents you have, such as plans and Pictures. The architect will review your preferences, date approximate end of the desired work, your budget and your needs. He will then explain his methodology to you work, as well as the different stages before your installation in the accommodation.

    Once this feasibility study is completed, the architect can bring your vision to life. It is crucial to choose an architect who is best suited to your project. In indeed, he will already have a good knowledge of the structure of your accommodation and will be able to advise you on the execution of works. He will suggest plans personalized, taking into account your lifestyle and your use of the accommodation. The architect will be able to offer you technical and aesthetic solutions for enhance your new acquisition.

    If you decide to make your purchase a reality, a study preparatory will allow you to continue the reflection and transform your new acquisition into the good of your dreams. By working closely with your architect, you will be able to refine the details, bring adjustments and create a space that perfectly meets your needs and aspirations.

    Remember that preliminary study is a crucial step for the success of your project real estate. It will allow you to benefit from the expertise and the experience of a professional, in order to make your property a true haven of happiness and comfort.

    What advice can you actually get after a advice visit?

    Calling on an architect makes you save time and money throughout your real estate project. Even before to buy your property, the architect accompanies you during the visits, providing valuable advice on aspects techniques. After your acquisition, it guides you through administrative procedures and assists you at each stage until the end of the work.

    Thanks to his experience, the architect is able to identify quickly any problems linked to a structure damaged or old, thus avoiding surprises unpleasant. In addition, it facilitates the procedures administrative, saving you valuable time.

    In addition, the architect takes advantage of his network of contacts in your area, allowing you to quickly find qualified contractors for your work, at competitive prices. This expertise allows you to carry out substantial savings.

    Calling on an architect brings real value added to your home, highlighting its assets while avoiding potential inconveniences. You will be able feel at home while benefiting from an optimized space and adapted to your needs, all with complete peace of mind of mind.

    Advisory mission: why visit a plot of land with a architect before buying?


    When you have a clear vision of your project, it can sometimes be difficult to find the ideal land that meets your expectations . However, it is important to keep in mind that you can increase your chances of success by considering the following points:

      - Building land is not limited to one research only, it can be created by demolishing a existing building or by dividing a larger plot.

      - It is also possible to modify a terrain for make it suitable for your project, but conversely, your project can also adapt to the available land.

    In this process, the expertise of an architect is essential to study the different possibilities planning and construction. Their experience will allow you to analyze the terrain from all angles and find the solutions best suited to your needs.

    Don't forget that finding the land is a step crucial in the realization of your project. Keeping with an open mind and collaborating with an architect competent, you will increase your chances of finding the terrain perfectly suited to your vision.

    The cost of land

    During the economic evaluation of your project, it is essential to take into account all the financial elements that can have an impact, in addition to the cost of the land himself. So ask yourself the following questions:

      - Is major work required to make building land? This includes the costs of servicing, earthworks and special foundations, soil remediation, management rainwater, etc. The architect can help you identify the points to be monitored and, if necessary, referral to professionals for studies prerequisites.

      - What taxes should be budgeted for? This includes the development tax, the property tax and, where applicable where applicable, professional taxes. Find out with local stakeholders, starting with the town hall, for specific information on this subject.

      - Are you eligible for possible subsidies? These subsidies can be municipal, departmental, regional, etc. They mainly concern businesses. Once again, local public actors will be able to inform you about these aspects and guide you to appropriate grant programs.

    It is important to take these elements into account financial resources from the start of your project in order to budget correctly and avoid unpleasant surprises. In working in collaboration with the architect and in you informing the local authorities, you will be in able to plan and manage your costs in a way that efficient and transparent.

    Les contraintes du terrain

    Before buying land to build on, it is recommended from carry out an in-depth diagnosis of the site . This diagnosis will make it possible to identify the strengths and terrain constraints, which can have an impact on the cost of the work, the future value of the property, as well as than on quality of life. Don't worry, this list is not exhaustive! The diagnosis will vary depending on the context and scale of the project. Here is some things to consider:

    Contraintes naturelles :

    The soil, the climatic conditions, the natural environment, etc. A building must fit harmoniously into its environment. It is therefore important to take into account the geological features of the terrain. A study geotechnical type G1 will make it possible to highlight the points of attention. It is also necessary to take into account the possible pollution of the soil, the presence of water, the winds dominant, sunshine, protection against shadows spans, and, depending on the scale of the project, biodiversity. The architect will be able to answer these questions or refer you to specialists if necessary.

    Human constraints:

    Urban planning regulations, networks, transport, noise, the built environment, etc. Human activities have also changed the environment, which must be taken into account consideration. Two cases can be distinguished:

    Land already serviced

    The lands already serviced or potentially viable, such as building land or building land resulting from a subdivision or development areas. Their compliance with urban planning rules is generally secured, and servicing is often easy. However, it is important to check whether the ground really corresponds to your project, hence the importance of a feasibility study. Land in subdivision have certain advantages, but the regulation of subdivision may impose specific constraints.

    Isolated land

    Isolated grounds, which require a more in-depth analysis. It is essential to examine the applicable town planning rules (RNU, SCOT, PLU, etc.). THE isolated land is often less expensive, but the fees network access and connection can be significant.

    It is also important to pay attention to the existing built environment. What are the levels of noise due to the proximity of a road? What are the travel options? Do neighboring buildings create shadows on the ground? Are the vis-à-vis to be taken into account ? As far as possible, it is recommended anticipate future developments in the sector, such as the impact of a road bypass project or a new public transport line. He can also be useful to simulate construction on a building plot still vacant.

    By carrying out a complete diagnosis of the land, you make sure you acquire a property that will meet your expectations and which will be adapted to your project

    Is the site conducive to setting up my construction project?

    Before building on land, it is is essential to determine if it is suitable for your project. An in-depth feasibility study is then necessary to assess compatibility between the terrain and your program.

    Clearly defining your goals and expectations is crucial. Make sure you have planned all the necessary aspects and prioritize your priorities in the event of constraints technical or economical.

    Have a feasibility study carried out by an architect will allow you to answer your main questions. You will know if your project can integrate harmoniously on the ground and if the rules of town planning allow it. This approach gives you peace of mind before to incur substantial expenses.

    The feasibility study can also go further by identifying the specificities of the terrain, such as geotechnical, climatic or other constraints. We strongly recommend carrying out a feasibility study systematically before buying land to build on, even if it is already serviced. A building plot does not always mean that it is perfect for your project.

    The town planning certificate, for its part, is a process administrative which communicates the rules of town planning applicable to the field. However, it does not cover all aspects discussed previously. It therefore does not replace a feasibility study, which remains essential to assess the real compatibility of your project with the chosen land.

    Meet a hello archi architect for a mission of advice

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