Terms and Conditions of Use
The website www.hello-archi.com is owned by Hello Archi, a company registered with the RCS and the companies of Bordeaux under the number "in progress" and whose registered office is located at "18 Rue Ernest Guillier, 24000 Périgueux".
The Company can be contacted through its website.
The website www.hello-archi.com is a web platform offering users of the site online services "Marketplace" to carry out construction projects, renovations and any other architectural project.
The company aims to transform and improve the approach of individuals and professionals regarding architecture. www.hello-archi.com is an information and e-commerce site open to any user of the internet.
The User must respect these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale without reservation during each of their visits to the Site.

Definitions "Lexicon"

In the context of these general terms and conditions of use and sale, the following terms and expressions have the following definitions:
CGU: These general terms and conditions of use.
CGVP: Special General Terms and Conditions of Sale.
Site: Refers to the web platform www.hello-archi.com which references all the pages and services offered by the company Hello Archi through which project holders and architects can exchange information and documents with each other.

Company: Refers to Hello Archi, a company registered with the RCS of Bordeaux under number "in progress", whose registered office is located at "18 Rue Ernest Guillier,24000 Périgueux".

Client: any natural or legal person who is a consumer within the meaning of consumer law, subscribing to the Provider's Services on the Site.

User: any natural or legal person using the site and its online services having registered to carry out an architectural project, as a Project Holder, Designer or Company.

Visitor: any natural person browsing the pages of the Site without registering or using the Site's Services.

Project Holder: any natural or legal person wishing for assistance for a construction project and having registered on the Site.

Designer: any natural or legal person exercising the profession of Architect, Interior Designer, Landscape Designer, Designer or any other profession related to design, outdoor and/or indoor development who has registered on the Site.

Architect: natural and/or legal person exercising the profession of architect designating the service providers and building professionals selected by the Company and/or having registered on the Site in this capacity.

Architect registered with the professional order: Architect who has chosen the pro offer whose identity, legal status and insurance have been expressly verified by the Company.

Company: Natural or legal person operating in the field of construction who has registered on the Site as a professional.

Services: refers to all the services provided by the Company to a User.

Challenge: The call for tenders procedure whereby a User can request assistance and/or the transmission of technical and budgetary proposals from other Users of the Site.

Design Challenge: Call for tenders by a project holder for assistance on a construction project on the Site giving Designers and Companies registered on the Site the opportunity to submit a support and fee proposal in compliance with the conditions of these T&C.

Construction Challenge: Call for tenders by a Designer who has registered for a construction project, in order to receive technical and budgetary proposals from Companies or clients, under the conditions of the T&C.

Basic "free" offer: Refers to the services to which any User registered on the Site as a Project Holder, Designer or Company can benefit, under the conditions of the T&C, details of which can be found in Article 2.1 and 2.2 of the T&C.

Offre Pro : Désigne les services à laquelle tout Concepteur ou Entreprise inscrit sur le Site peut bénéficier, les détails peuvent être consulté à l’article 2.2.2 des CGV.

Offre Business : Désigne les services à laquelle tout Concepteur ou Entreprise inscrit sur le Site peut bénéficier, les détails peuvent être consulté à l’article 2.2.3 des CGV.

Article 1 - Application of General Conditions of Use

1.1 Relationships established on the Internet

The purpose of these General Conditions of Use and Sales is to define the conditions and terms governing the relationship between the Site Users and the Company. This is a contractual agreement for an indefinite period from the User's acceptance of this Contract.

In accordance with Article L. 441-6 of the Commercial Code, these CGUs are considered the sole basis of the commercial relationship between the Company and a User.

These CGUs are made available to all visitors and Users of the Site free of charge.

The Company reserves the right to modify these CGUs at any time due to changes in services, legal or technical changes. Any new version will be indicated on the Site by the update date and their publication on the Site.

1.2 Acceptance of CGUs

The Visitor is required to read these CGUs before placing any order or request for a quote. The choice and purchase of a Service is their sole responsibility.

Acceptance of these CGUs is materialized at the time of a Visitor's registration on the Site by checking a box. By checking the box "I have read the general terms of use and sale and I adhere to them without restriction or reservation" implies that the Visitor acknowledges having read and accepts the conditions described in this document and that they will be bound by these present CGUs. These provisions apply, without reservation or restriction, to the exclusion of all other conditions.

The Visitor's use of the Site's Services implies full and complete adherence and acceptance, without reservation, of these CGUs.

Article 2 - Registration and Account Creation

2.1 General Information

The visitor is informed that subscribing to the Services requires registration on the site, as a project owner, designer, or company. The Visitor must fill out a form with all the mandatory information to complete their registration on the Site. No incomplete registration will be validated. The visitor guarantees that all information provided by filling out the form is accurate, up-to-date, and honest, without any intention to deceive. The Visitor is informed that this information is proof of their identity.

Their registration automatically opens a personal account allowing them to access and manage the Site's services.

Each user agrees to create only one account.

The User will have access to their Personal Space at any time using their username and password, they are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their password and username and must contact the Company if they have noticed that their Personal Space has been used without their knowledge. In such a case, they acknowledge the Company's right to take all necessary measures.

2.2 Registration

2.2.1 Project Owners Registration

The Visitor will have the status of a User as soon as they register on the site, they must provide the following information in the form:


    First Name;

    Valid email address;

    Phone number;

    Information about their project;

A project space is automatically created, and the site generates a password that the visitor can change at any time. Their email address is used as the login identifier. They must read these T&Cs and the conditions set out in Article 1.2 and accept them by checking the box "I have read the general terms and conditions of use and sale and I agree to them without restriction or reservation".

2.2.2 Designer Registration

The registration of a Visitor as an Architect is only acceptable under the strict condition that said Visitor practices the profession of Architect and can prove it. They must be registered with the Order of Architects and have the corresponding insurance, in accordance with their professional and legal obligations in force.

The Visitor will have the status of a Designer as soon as they register on the site and have indicated the profession they practice: Architect, Interior Designer, Landscape Architect, Designer, or any other profession related to design, exterior and/or interior design.

They must provide the following information in the registration form:

  • Name of agency or company
  • Address of agency or company
  • Gender
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Valid email address
  • Phone number

Creating a password and identifier is necessary to validate registration. They must be aware of these T&Cs and the conditions set out in Article 1.2. They must indicate that they accept them by checking the box "I have read the general terms and conditions of use and sale and I accept them without restriction or reservation."

Any Designer registered on the Site has the possibility to add additional information to enrich their profile via their Personal Space.

2.2.3 Registration as a Company

Registration of a visitor as a Company is only acceptable under the condition that said Visitor officially carries out a building business activity and has the corresponding insurance, in accordance with their current professional obligations.

The following information must be provided on the registration form:

  • Name of the company
  • Address of the company
  • Last name
  • First name
  • Email address
  • Trade
  • Phone number

The site will automatically generate a secure and unique password.

They must take into account these T&Cs and the conditions set out in Article 1.2, they must indicate that they accept them by checking the box "I have read the general terms and conditions of use and sale and I accept them without restriction or reservation."

Any Company registered on the Site has the possibility to add additional information to enrich their profile via their Personal Space, such as their qualifications, professional achievements and their area of intervention. It may therefore claim a work challenge procedure under the conditions set out in Article 3.2.2 of these T&Cs.

The Company must provide the following documents to the Society:

  • Proof of company registration (Kbis) dated within the last 3 months
  • Current certificate of professional liability insurance
  • Current URSSAF certificate dated within the last 6 months
  • Tax certificates for 31/12/21
  • Certificates of qualification
  • Various authorizations and accreditations
  • Pricing schedule
  • Example quote
  • References from previous projects
  • Your waste recycling protocol
  • Your CSR plan
  • A detail of your distribution circuit (direct/short/long)
  • RIB (bank account details)
  • Copy of the identification card of the manager/CEO.

Article 3 : Operation of the Site and User Obligations

3.1 For Project Owners

3.1.1 Project Description

As a project owner, the User has the possibility to request assistance, technical and budget proposals from Designers according to the procedures set out in these T&Cs.

3.1.2 Choice of Designers

After creating his/her account and describing his/her project, the Company proposes a certain number of relevant Designers to the project initiators.

The Designers are proposed to the Project Owners based on the similarities of the Designer's achievements with the envisaged project.

The project owner has access to information about the Designers through their personal profiles, which can be accessed by clicking on each Designer's profile.

The project owner has the possibility to choose 3 Designers (maximum) to meet with.

The design challenge will then be launched.

3.1.3 Dialogue with Designers

The project owner will be able to communicate with the Designers he/she has selected via his/her Personal Space.

In the context of this dialogue, Project Initiators and Designers undertake not to exchange contact details before the confirmation of an agreed time slot by the Designers and Project Owners.

In case of non-compliance with this commitment, the Company will have the possibility to end the exchanges between the project owner and the Designers through the Site.

The selected Designer has the right to accept or refuse the Project of the project owner.

3.1.4 Appointments

The project owner must indicate the time slots during which he/she is available to meet the Designers he/she has chosen.

Once the appointment is set, the project owner and the Designer receive a confirmation email from the Company.

The appointment between a project owner and a Designer is made by phone, video conference, or physically at the agreed address and time.

3.1.5 Choice of Final Designer

After all the meetings have ended and after receiving the fees and quotes from the selected Designers, the project owner can choose the Designer with whom he/she wishes to collaborate.

The project holder can refuse all proposals from the Designers, that is to say from the 3 selected Designers, if none of them suits him/her.

Regardless of his/her choice, the project holder agrees to inform the Company of his/her choice within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of the last offer and/or refusal from the Designers.

If the project holder fails to inform the Company within a period of 15 (fifteen) days, a processing fee of a flat rate of three hundred fifty (350) euros will be charged to him/her by the Company.

The Designers are notified through their Personal Space and an email of the acceptance or refusal of their offers by the Project Holders.

The procedure for signing the contract and making the first payment installment by the project holder is stated in Article 3.2.1 of these T&C.

3.1.6 Choice of Companies

The project holder must entrust his/her work and site to the Site's member Companies, otherwise he/she will have to pay the Company a compensation equal to 5% of the estimated amount of the work for the project.

The Designer is obligated to present all Construction Bids related to the Project on the Site so that both parties (Project Holder and Designer) can choose the Companies that will carry out the work. The procedure for challenges is defined in Article 3.2.2 of these T&C.

In case the Designer wishes to integrate non-registered Companies on the Site to the Construction Challenges, he/she must ask said Companies to register on the Site so that they can access the Construction Challenges and respond to them.

In case the project holder wishes to integrate non-registered companies to the platform, he/she must provide the name of these companies when describing his/her Project or notify the Company by email at the address info@hello-archi.com before meeting with a Designer. Said Companies will have to register on the Site to be eligible for Construction Bids.

3.2 Designers

3.2.1 Response to a challenge Design of a Project Holder

Every Designer is notified through his/her Personal Space that he/she has been selected by a Project Holder. As stated in Article 3.1.3, he/she has the choice between accepting or refusing the project. In case of acceptance, he/she will have to define the time slots that suit him/her to establish an appointment with the Project Holder.

The Company will then confirm the appointments agreed upon by the Designers and the Project Holder with an email sent to each of them.

Appointments can be made by phone, by videoconference, or in person at an agreed address and time.

After all the meetings are over and the fees and quotes have been received from the selected Designers, the project holder can choose the Designer with whom he/she wishes to collaborate.

The project owner may refuse all proposals from the Designers, that is to say the 3 selected Designers, if none of them suit him/her.

Whatever his/her choice, the project owner undertakes to inform the Company of his/her choice within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of the last offer and/or the refusal of the Designers.

The Designers are notified through their Personal Space and an email of the acceptance or refusal of their offers by the project owners.

In any event, any Designer undertakes irrevocably not to directly or indirectly conclude a contract with a project owner that he/she has met through the Site without notifying the Company and without transmitting the contract to the Company within 10 days, failing which the Designer will have to pay the Company compensation equal to 100% of the sums due, in addition to payment of the sums due to the Company as provided for in Article 2.4 of the GTC.

Upon acceptance by the project owner of the offer issued by the Designer, the following procedures apply:

  • Generation of a contract signed by the Designer to the project owner using his/her Personal Space on the Site
  • Signing of the contract by the project owner
  • Sending of the signed contract by the project owner to the Designer on the Site
  • A payment request for the first installment is sent to the Project Owner through the Payment Service in accordance with Article 2.3 of the GTC.

3.2.2 Challenge works issued by a Designer

For any Project resulting from a Design Challenge requiring works, one or more Work Challenge(s) must be issued by the Designers, which will allow the choice of the Companies to carry out the project.

Any Designer has the possibility to initiate a request for collaboration with Companies on the Site within the framework of a project. If applicable, the Designer must provide information regarding the construction site:

  • Client name
  • Project reference
  • Project address
  • Work budget
  • Information about the property (Type of property, Property area)
  • Information about the work (Type of work, Work area, Lots concerned...)
  • The deadline for the Work Challenge
  • Availability to meet with companies

The Work Challenge procedures can then be initiated by the Designer. Choice of Companies to Meet

Depending on their qualifications and trades involved in their project, the Company offers the Designer a certain number of Companies registered on the Site. The Designer can add their own contacts to the contact book.

A Company must be registered on the Site to participate in the challenges.

The Designer has access to information about the Companies through their personal files, which can be accessed by clicking on the profile of each Company. Making Appointments

A notification is sent to the Designer through their Personal Space when a Company wishes to make an appointment and sends a budget proposal.

The Designer and the Company can exchange messages in their Personal Spaces.

Any contract or service established by a project leader or a Designer and a Company must be indicated to the Company within 10 days of the contract being signed for the Service to be paid. Final Choice of the Designer

After all meetings are completed and budget proposals are received from selected Companies, the Designer can choose the Company they wish to work with and must indicate their choice on their Personal Space.

The Designer undertakes to indicate their final choice within 30 days from the closing date of the Work Challenge.

In any event, any Designer or Project Leader undertakes expressly and irrevocably not to directly or indirectly establish a contract with a Company in the context of a Work Challenge launched through the Site without having informed the Company. The contract must be submitted to the Company within 10 days.

In the event of a breach of this commitment, the Designer must pay the Company a lump-sum indemnity equal to 100% of the Designer's fees, in addition to the payment of the amounts due for the remuneration of the Company under article 2.3 of these GTCs.

3.3 Companies

Companies are notified in their Personal Space if they are requested for a work challenge launched by a Designer, in case an invitation has been initiated by the Designer.

Companies can propose a financial estimate concerning the work challenge through the Site in their Personal Space.

In any event, any Company expressly and irrevocably agrees not to directly or indirectly establish a contract with a Designer or a Project Owner in the context of a work challenge launched through the Site without having notified the Company, and must submit the contract to the Company within 10 days from its signature.

In the event of a breach of this commitment, the Company shall pay the Company an indemnity equal to 100% of the amounts due (or 5% of the estimated budget of the lots concerned by the work challenge in the case where the contract is not submitted to the Company by the Company) in addition to the payment of the amounts due for the Company's remuneration under Article 2.3 of these GTC.

3.4 User Obligations

Without prejudice to the other commitments provided for in these TOS, every User undertakes to comply with the following obligations:

The User is solely responsible for the proper completion of all administrative, tax and/or social formalities, payments of contributions, taxes or taxes of all kinds that are intended for him/her, if any, in the context of his/her use of the Site and the Services.

The User undertakes to use the Services provided by the Company strictly for personal use and in no case to assign or transfer his/her rights or obligations under these TOS to a third party.

The User undertakes to provide the Company with all information it deems necessary for the proper provision of the Services.

The User is solely responsible for the content (of any nature whatsoever) that he/she disseminates in the context of the Services, and declares that he/she has all necessary rights to disseminate such content.

The User undertakes not to disseminate the following types of content on the Site, without this list being exhaustive:

  • Contents of a pornographic, violent, xenophobic, insulting, or racist nature;
  • Misleading content that presents illegal or fraudulent activities.
  • Content that harms the image of a third party;
  • Counterfeit content;
  • Content that harms the computer systems of third parties;
  • Content that may infringe on the rights of third parties in any form.

The User is responsible for taking necessary measures to save any information transmitted, no copies will be provided to them.

The User is prohibited from copying and/or diverting for their own purposes or those of third parties the concept, technologies, or any other elements belonging to the Site.

The User is prohibited from any act that may slow down or hinder the continuity of Services.

In case of non-compliance with the terms and conditions set forth herein, the Company reserves the right to take any measures it deems necessary, including:

  • Deleting inappropriate content online.
  • Notifying any relevant authority and taking any action, including legal action, if necessary.
  • Suspending access to the Site.
  • Terminating any contractual relationship with the relevant User.

Article 4: Access to the Site and Description of Services

4.1 Access to the Site

The Services offered by the Company are accessible subject to the restrictions provided for on the Site.

The Services are available to:

  • Any natural person with full legal capacity to enter into agreements under these T&Cs. Any person who does not have full legal capacity may only access the Services with the consent of their legal representative.
  • Any legal person acting through a natural person who has full legal capacity to enter into a contract on behalf of the legal person or for its account.

4.2 Description of Services

The pages of the Site can be freely consulted without any commitment by Visitors. They may become aware of the various "Services" offered by the Company.

The Services offered free of charge and/or for sale by the Company are presented on the Site, on the day of consultation by Visitors or Users of the Site.

Any service offered by the Company through the Site, free of charge and/or for sale, is subject to a description presenting its essential characteristics in accordance with Article L.111-1 of the Consumer Code.

4.2.2 Services not provided by the Company

The Company is not a general contractor and does not act as a legal, tax, or insurance advisor or representative, and therefore does not provide any services related to these roles.

The Company is not a party to the contract concluded between Users.

The Company's activity is limited to a matchmaking and support mission throughout the Project. This matchmaking, based on the Services offered by the Company, relies on the tools available on the Platform. Any User declares that they have assessed the suitability of the Services to their needs with the help of a qualified person to advise them if necessary.

Article 5: Termination

5.1 Termination by a Project Initiator

Any Project Initiator who wishes to terminate the use of the Company's Services through the Site has the unilateral right to request the deletion of their account.

A written request must be sent to the Company in such a case by the project initiator. The request must be sent to the contact email address listed in these T&Cs.

The account will be deleted after the closure of all the Project Initiator's files on the Site.

5.2 Termination by a User using the Free Offer

Any User who wishes to terminate the use of the Company's Services through the Site has the unilateral right to request the deletion of their account.

A written request must be sent to the Company in such a case by the User. The request must be sent to the contact email address listed in these T&Cs.

The account will be deleted after the closure of all the User's files on the Site.

5.3 Termination by a User using the Pro Offer

Any User who has subscribed to a Pro Offer and wishes to terminate the use of the Company's Services through the Site has the unilateral right to terminate the Pro Offer to which they have subscribed.

The User may terminate their subscription at any time and without reason and without a minimum commitment period; termination is possible up to 24 hours before the renewal date (technical deadline for sending debit data to the secure payment provider).

The termination of the Pro Offer is possible via the "Terminate my subscription" link available in the "Manage my subscription" menu in the User's Personal Space on the Site.

The termination will be effective at the end of the current subscription, and no refund of payments already made will be issued.

Article 6: Right of Withdrawal

These General Terms and Conditions establish the applicable conditions for online services provided by the Company. They represent, where appropriate, a distance selling contract in the case of the purchase of a service provision. The regulations concerning distance contracts under the Consumer Code are not intended to apply if:
- in accordance with the Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal does not apply if the Services are strictly reserved for professional clients in the course of their commercial, liberal, industrial, artisanal or agricultural activity, also in the case where they act on behalf of or for the account of another professional. The cases of Designers having chosen the Pro Offer
- the Services may be intended for non-professionals, in the case of services provided to Project Initiators. The Services provided by the Company are exclusively free of charge and without obligation, and no right of withdrawal is possible.

Article 7: Site Provisions

7.1 Entirety

In the event that one or more parts of these General Terms and Conditions are held invalid or declared as such in application of a law, regulation, or following a definitive decision of a competent court, the other conditions shall remain in full force and effect, unless they have an inseparable character in relation to the valid provision.

7.2 Mediation

In the event of a dispute, the Parties undertake to appoint a mediator by mutual agreement, who shall be appointed by a simple interim order.

As soon as the mediation service's contact information is available, the Company undertakes to communicate it to the User and to update these General Terms and Conditions accordingly.

Mediation can only be used if the complaint has not been previously examined by a judge or another mediator and has already been registered with our Customer Relations Service.

7.3 Modification

The Company reserves the right to modify these General Terms and Conditions at any time due to changes in services, legal or technical changes. Any new version will be indicated on the Site by the update date and their publication on the Site.

The modifications are effective upon their publication on the Site.

7.4 Applicable Law

These general terms and conditions of use and sale are exclusively governed by French law. Any disputes relating to these general terms and conditions of use and sale, as well as the conditions to which they apply, shall be exclusively within the jurisdiction of the competent territorial courts.

  • Updated on April 13, 2023.
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