Building permit: when can it be renewed?

Making a construction project a reality is a journey strewn with administrative steps, a crucial one of which is obtaining a building permit. But did you know that it is possible to renew this precious sesame when circumstances require it? Renewal is not automatic and follows a specific regime, governed by general conditions, regulatory deadlines and a detailed procedure to remain legal and carry out your real estate project. Common situation but not always anticipated: the case where the real estate work started with the initial permit is not completed within the allotted time. The consequences of this unfinished work, both on a legal and administrative level, must be assessed with caution. In addition, a question often arises: is it possible to request renewal if the original project undergoes modifications? The answers to these questions are essential, and together we will explore the necessary steps to renew a building permit while respecting the required limits and conditions.


General conditions for renewing a building permit

Legal framework and regulatory deadlines

Have you ever been faced with the complexity of the administrative procedures to extend your building permit? If this is the case, you know that there is a strict legal framework governing this procedure. Indeed, according to the Town Planning Code, the extension request must be made on time, that is to say at least two months before the expiry of the initial deadline granted to begin the works. But that's not all ! It is also necessary to ensure that the town planning rules applicable to the project have not undergone modifications likely to affect the compatibility of the project with these new standards. And if you are wondering can we renew a building permit in the event of modification of the initial project? The answer lies in a thorough understanding of these regulations.

Administrative renewal procedure

The path to extending a building permit can seem strewn with pitfalls. However, by scrupulously following the required procedure, one can navigate through these administrative waters with ease. So how to proceed? It all starts with a carefully written request submitted in two copies, either directly to the town hall, or sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to the competent town planning services. And if silence is often perceived as burdensome in our daily lives, in this particular context, it turns into an ally: without a response within two months of receiving your request, you can consider your extension for granted.

However, don't leave anything to chance! Requesting a certificate of no objection can be a good idea to solidify your position and prevent future litigation. After all, when it comes to the success of your real estate projects, it is better to play the card of caution and surround yourself with the best legal guarantees.

Can we renew a building permit without completing the original building work?

Impacts of unfinished work on the renewal request

Have you ever found yourself faced with a ticking clock, with unfinished property work and a building permit ready to expire? You are not alone in this situation. Fortunately, the system provides a lifeline in the form of renewal of the construction permit buildwithout finishing the original building work. But be careful, having unfinished work has consequences on your request.

To undertake a renewal process, it is imperative that the progress of the work is sufficiently significant to avoid any suspicion of a sham intended solely to keep the permit alive. In other words, it is necessary to demonstrate that the commitment to construction is real and tangible. The town hall will assess the progress of the work and ensure that it has been undertaken seriously before granting this welcome reprieve.

Legal and administrative consequences

When the hands are ticking and the end of the deadline is approaching, not having completed the work can put you in a delicate position. If you let your permit expire without requesting an extension or if your work is interrupted for more than a year, you risk not only the expiration of your authorization, but also legal complications for illegal construction.

This would be regrettable, because it could lead to the permanent interruption of the project or require a new permit application, which is often long and costly. To avoid these inconveniences, it is therefore necessary to be vigilant and proactive: make sure to request renewal at least two months before the deadline and provide all the necessary supporting documents attesting to the substantial progress of the work.

The town hall then has a investigation period to analyze your request. Without a response after two months, breathe: silence equals tacit acceptance. However, to navigate safe waters towards the realization of your real estate project, obtaining a certificate attesting to this non-opposition is strongly recommended.

Can we renew a building permit in the event of a modification to the initial project?

Limits and conditions of admissible modifications

Have you ever considered making changes to your initial project after obtaining a building permit? If so, you are probably wondering about the possibility of renewing it while integrating your new architectural aspirations. The answer is nuanced: it is possible to modify a project, but within the limits imposed by the regulations. Any possible adjustments must be minor and not alter the very essence of the initial project.

In practice, substantial modifications will require a new permit application. On the other hand, if the changes are considered moderate - think of a facade adjustment or an internal redistribution without significant impact on the exterior appearance - then the path to a modifying permit is open to you.

To remain within the legal framework, it is therefore necessary to precisely assess the scope of the planned modifications and their compatibility with the initial authorizations. The crucial question remains: do these changes respect the urban planning regulations in force? A careful analysis is necessary to prevent your project from encountering administrative refusal.

Steps for approval of modifications

When you are ready to begin the process of getting approval for changes to your project, what procedure should you follow? It all starts with a formal request to the relevant town hall. This request must be made via CERFA form n°13411*07 dedicated to the modifying permit.

Once this step has been completed, do not forget to also submit a Declaration Attesting the Completion and Compliance of the Works (DAACT), using form CERFA 13408*05, as soon as your work is completed. This document must be submitted in triplicate to the town hall, which then has a period of up to five months to verify that everything complies with established standards.

But what if you need more time to complete this much-desired work? Please note that since January 2016, it is possible to obtain not one but two annual extensions for your building permit. These successive extensions can extend its validity up to five years maximum! To do this, simply send your written request in duplicate two months before the initial deadline. And remember: if no feedback reaches you within this bimonthly deadline, rejoice because silence constitutes tacit acceptance.

It is essential that these steps are carried out rigorously in order to avoid any untoward interruption which could compromise your future plans. Isn't it reassuring to know that some flexibility exists to adapt your vision without restarting the entire administrative process from scratch?

Humorous FAQ

Is it possible to renew my building permit if I used it as a placemat at a barbecue?
Excellent question! So, yes, it's possible. Mustard and traces of barbecue sauce are not grounds for refusal at the prefecture. However, for renewal, be sure to clean your license or, at least, use a more traditional placemat next time.


Can I renew my building permit if I just built a house of cards?
Unfortunately no, unless your house of cards can accommodate a real-size human being and meets RT2012 standards. But, in any case, we salute the effort and originality of your ephemeral and ecological construction project!


Is renewing my permit feasible if my initial project was a replica of the Taj Mahal in my garden?
Yes, but under certain conditions: you will have to prove that you have not changed your mind about an igloo or a pyramid in the meantime. And, above all, make sure your garden is big enough, because we're not going to lie, it's not a tool shed either!


If I haven't finished my house due to lack of budget, can I keep the same permit for when I win the lottery?
Absolutely, the building permit is renewable in the hope of a better (and richer) day. You can dream big, but be sure to call Madame Irma to find out the date of your potential win, so you don't miss the deadline.


If I start an incredible trend where the houses are upside down, roof on the ground, will having to renew my license be a problem?
No more than a classic house, as long as you respect the standards (if they exist for this type of... innovative construction). Just be careful when opening the front door, we don't want an accident!
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