Building permit: when can you build without it?

Some construction projects come with a host of administrative formalities and require a building permit. However, is it possible to consider bringing an extension of your living space to life without stepping into the town hall? Certainly, some constructions, by their nature or size, are exempt from this procedure. But what are they exactly, and under what conditions can one skip this step? If you're thinking about building a temporary structure, a garden shed, a fence, a garage, a terrace, or a veranda, knowing the applicable rules is essential. This overview aims to clarify these situations, offering a complete guide on building permits: everything you need to know to carry out your project smoothly, without legal hassle.


In what cases can a temporary structure be built without a permit?

Are you considering adding a temporary structure to your outdoor space and wondering about the necessity of a building permit? Good news, some temporary constructions can bypass this administrative formality! However, to ensure that the lightness of the temporary does not turn into the weight of legal constraints, it's essential to adhere to a few key rules.

Temporary Constructions: Freedom Under Conditions

A construction is considered temporary when it is intended to remain on a site for a limited time. But be careful, even if it’s temporary, it is not exempt from any regulations. Thus, for a temporary structure to be exempt from a building permit, it must, among other things:

  • Not exceed a height of 12 meters above the ground;
  • Be located outside protected or safeguarded areas;
  • Have a duration of installation not exceeding 15 days.

This last condition excludes permanent installations or those that would remain too long and disrupt the harmony of the urban or natural landscape. However, notable exceptions exist, such as constructions necessary for housing after a disaster.

The Example of Common Temporary Constructions

Have you ever dreamed of a little chalet in your garden to store your tools or even host your guests for the summer? Or are you considering setting up a seasonal greenhouse to protect your fragile plants? For these projects and many other structures such as:

  • Tiny Houses;
  • Garden sheds;
  • Removable garages;
  • Playhouses for children,

the rule is simple: if the ground area is less than 5 m² and the height does not exceed 12 meters, then you can proceed without prior administrative steps. This offers a fairly broad scope for those who wish to bring their ideas to life without drowning in a sea of paperwork.

Knowing How to Navigate Between Exceptions and Obligations

However, before unleashing your architectural creativity, have you checked whether your project meets the precise criteria established by the urban planning code? If not, Greenkub could be the guiding light that steers your boat towards calmer waters regarding regulations. They are specialists in the field and can indicate whether your project requires specific authorization.

Isn’t it reassuring to know that some projects can be realized with agility and simplicity? By following these few guidelines, you're ready to carry out your temporary construction legally!

Under what conditions can a garden shed be built without a building permit?

Have you considered adding a garden shed to your outdoor space to store your tools or create an artist's workshop? You’ll be pleased to learn that, under certain conditions, this extension does not require a building permit. However, do not rush too quickly: there are specific rules to follow to avoid any administrative hassle.

Thresholds Not to Exceed

Before driving the first nail, it's essential to measure the area intended for your shed. Here are the key thresholds:

  • For an area less than or equal to 5 m², breathe easy: no formalities are required;
  • Between 5 m² and 20 m², a preliminary declaration is enough to inform the town hall of your intentions;
  • Beyond 20 m², the path becomes more complicated with the necessity of a building permit.

These limits are imperative and apply regardless of the charm or practicality represented by your project. Of course, these areas are calculated excluding the net works (HON), which means that the entirety of the enclosed and covered volume must be taken into account.

The Location Makes All the Difference

Is your land located in an urban area covered by a local urban planning plan (PLU) or near a listed site? These factors can influence the applicable rules. For example:

  • In certain urban areas, you may be allowed to go up to 40 m² without a permit if the shed is attached to your main dwelling;
  • Near a protected site, additional restrictions may apply due to landscape or heritage requirements.

It is always advisable to check with municipal services before undertaking anything. Don't hesitate to consult the PLU or seek advice from your municipality's urban planning department to avoid any regulatory missteps.

The Preliminary Declaration: A Necessary Step?

For sheds between 5 and 20 m², the preliminary declaration is a mandatory step. This administrative document allows local authorities to assess whether your project complies with the current urban planning standards. It involves submitting a file that includes plans and photographs showing the location of the future shed in its immediate and distant environment.

Remember: even if exempt from a building permit, your shed must comply with local urban planning rules regarding its exterior appearance and maximum height. Strict adherence to these standards ensures not only legality but also harmonious integration into the surrounding landscape.

Now that you are armed with the necessary information regarding the procedures related to ancillary constructions such as garden sheds, you can now calmly consider this useful and aesthetic addition to your home. After all, who wouldn't appreciate a little haven at the back of the garden to organize tools or simply enjoy a peaceful moment?

Can a Fence Be Built Without Requesting a Building Permit?

Have you ever contemplated the idea of enclosing your property for more privacy or security but dreaded the paperwork involved in obtaining a building permit? You may be surprised to learn that in some cases, the fence you desire can come to life without needing to request municipal authorization. However, before laying the first stone, it's wise to familiarize yourself with the rules governing this constructive freedom.

When the Wall Becomes Free

The urban planning code offers us some leeway to erect walls without administrative formalities, but under very specific conditions:

  • The height of the wall must not exceed 2 meters;
  • The location must be outside protected areas or regulated by a specific local urban planning plan (PLU);
  • Walls must be erected in accordance with the property boundaries.

This simplicity is appreciated, isn't it? However, it's crucial to be vigilant regarding the last condition. Indeed, if your project involves backing against a common wall separating two properties, case law teaches us that a permit may be necessary. A ruling by the Council of State annulled a permit due to lack of evidence regarding the exclusive ownership of the wall or the agreement of the co-owner neighbor. Therefore, to avoid any future disputes and legal challenges, ensure that all parties involved are in agreement with your project.

Walls and Fences: When Is a Declaration Necessary?

Did you know that even in some cases where a permit is not required, a preliminary declaration might be needed? This particularly applies to:

  • Areas subject to special rules, such as the surroundings of historical monuments or in certain municipalities that have adopted a resolution in this sense;
  • Situations where the PLU imposes specific aesthetic or architectural prescriptions.

To dispel any uncertainty and navigate these regulatory waters smoothly, consulting the municipal urban planning department is often a wise step. After all, it's better to be safe than sorry! And if you’re considering something quite grand requiring structural support—think of retaining walls—these are also exempt from any authorization as long as they are intended to hold back earth and ensure soil stability.

Ultimately, designing your outdoor space with care and legality is within reach. Whether to secure your climbing roses or simply to delineate your personal haven, erecting a wall can often be done with ease and peace of mind... provided, of course, that you adhere to the few simple rules outlined here. So, ready to build wisely?

Under What Circumstances Can a Garage Be Built Without a Building Permit?

Do you dream of an extra space to shelter your car or create a workshop, but the thought of navigating the administrative maze holds you back? The construction of a garage can sometimes escape the need for a building permit, provided certain limits and regulations are respected.

The 20 m² Threshold: A Decisive Boundary

For your garage project not to require a building permit, it must have a ground area not exceeding 20 m². Is this enough for your needs? It's a boon for those who just want enough space for a vehicle or a few tools. However, this rule has nuances depending on the urban context:

  • In urban areas with a PLU (Local Urban Plan), this threshold can rise to 40 m² if the garage is attached to the house.
  • For a detached garage or one located outside PLU areas, stay below the 20 m² mark to avoid the permit process.

The Preliminary Declaration: A Mandatory Step?

Even if your construction is below the fateful threshold, don’t forget the preliminary declaration. This simplified document informs the town hall of your intentions and ensures that your project complies with local urban planning regulations. You will need to provide a file including plans and visuals of the future garage in its immediate surroundings.

Harmony with the Environment: An Absolute Requirement

Your project must integrate perfectly with its environment and comply with the architectural standards set by the PLU. Height, materials used, and even color can be regulated to preserve the aesthetics of the neighborhood or rural landscape. A visit to the urban planning department can thus prove very informative before taking any initiative.

With this key information in mind, considering the construction of a garage becomes less intimidating and more accessible. You are now ready to plan this coveted functional space without fearing administrative complications! Isn’t that excellent news for realizing your project while staying calm in the face of legal requirements?

What Are the Criteria for Building a Terrace Without a Building Permit?

Have you ever envisioned your home adorned with an elegant terrace where you could enjoy the gentle summer evenings? If the idea appeals to you, know that it is possible to bring this project to life without having to navigate the sea of administrative formalities. But beware, there are specific criteria to meet for your dream terrace to become a reality without breaching urban planning rules.

Light Foundations for a Light Structure

To begin, consider the type of foundation planned. A terrace that does not have deep foundations often escapes the requirements for a building permit. This means that if your project consists of a simple ground-level extension, you are likely on the right track.

Height: A Determining Factor

The next criterion concerns the elevation of the structure. A terrace that remains level with the ground or is not significantly raised above ground level generally enjoys greater regulatory freedom. Thus, a ground-level construction greatly simplifies the process.

The Impact of the PLU on Your Project

However, before proceeding, have you familiarized yourself with the specifics of the Local Urban Planning Plan (PLU) applicable to your residential area? This document can significantly influence the buildable area without a permit. It is therefore essential to consult it to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Here are a few points to check:

  • In some areas covered by a PLU or PLUi (Intercommunal Local Urban Planning Plan), you may be entitled to a higher maximum area before a preliminary declaration becomes necessary.
  • In non-urbanized areas, the threshold may be different and require special attention during planning.

Risks Associated with the Absence of a Permit or Preliminary Declaration

Indeed, building without authorization can be costly! According to Article L 480-4 of the Urban Planning Code, deliberately omitting this mandatory step exposes you to a fine of up to €6,000 per square meter constructed illegally. And this could even include the unfortunate prospect of seeing your beautiful terrace demolished.

So, be cautious! Take the time to carefully study these criteria and ensure your project meets all the required conditions. After all, creating a pleasant outdoor space should remain a joy and not turn into a legal headache. You are now equipped with the necessary knowledge to add this charming touch to your home without fearing administrative pitfalls. Isn't that a delightful prospect?

How to Build a Conservatory Without a Building Permit?

Would your home benefit from an additional space, filled with light, where you could savor your coffee while admiring the garden? A conservatory could be the answer to your daily escape desires. But how can you ensure that this project comes to fruition without administrative hassles?

A Matter of Surface Area

The first step is to determine the size of this glazed extension. To stay within the limits and avoid the need for a building permit, it is imperative that your conservatory meets certain thresholds:

  • For a ground area less than or equal to 5 m², no worries: you are free as a bird.
  • Beyond that and up to 20 m², a simple preliminary declaration to your town hall will suffice.
  • However, if the planned area exceeds 20 m², the process becomes more complicated with the obligation of a building permit.

So make sure to measure the space you have and need for your project to stay within these limits.

The Location and Local Rules

The chosen location for your conservatory is also crucial. Depending on the urban context of your property, specific rules may apply. For example:

  • In areas governed by a Local Urban Planning Plan (PLU), aesthetic or material-related constraints may influence your plans.
  • If you are in a protected area or near a historical monument, expect stricter requirements to preserve the surrounding visual heritage.

It is therefore essential to consult the PLU or even discuss with the local urban planning department before making any final decisions.

Is It Necessary to Hire an Architect?

For projects with a surface area exceeding 150 m² (including existing floor area), hiring an architect becomes necessary. However, if your conservatory remains modest in size and the total area after construction does not reach this threshold, you can draw up your plans without resorting to this professional. A freedom that can greatly simplify your project!

Know that by considering these key elements—project size, strategic location, and adherence to local guidelines—it is entirely possible to enhance your home with a beautiful conservatory without needing a building permit. An accessible dream that could soon brighten your days! Do you feel ready to turn this dreamed space into a tangible reality?

Humorous FAQ

I'm a big fan of Minecraft; does that count as construction experience? Can I build without a permit?
Ah, if only building in real life were as simple as placing virtual blocks! But no, unfortunately, unless you plan to create a pixel structure on your land, you'll have to face the administrative reality and obtain a building permit for solid structures.


If I build a treehouse, will I have problems with bureaucrats in yellow vests?
As long as your treehouse stays within the limits of childhood creations and doesn't become the new HQ of your business, normally, the urban planning zealots won't come knocking at your ladder. Still, it’s best to avoid building a panoramic elevator without informing the town hall!


Apparently, I can create a vegetable garden on my balcony without a permit, but can I build a greenhouse there?
A vegetable garden is all cute and organic; we love it! A greenhouse, however, starts to smell like a big infrastructure. Unless it's removable and the size of a dollhouse, you risk turning your balcony into a state affair. Better check with the town hall before playing urban farmer.


My dog needs a house; do I need to get a building permit or a canine residence permit?
Your dog is lucky to have such a caring human! But rest assured, no permit is needed as long as the kennel doesn’t exceed the regulatory dimensions of a luxury doghouse. However, if you build a duplex with a jacuzzi for him, you might need to consider declaring the work.


Can I circumvent the law by building my house at night on the grounds that no one can see me?
Thinking you're in an episode of "Mission Impossible" might seem like a good strategy to avoid administrative hassles. However, unless your town hall is populated by bats that are only active during the day, your chances of flying under the radar with a cement mixer and bat-signal spotlights are rather slim.


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