Online architect: what information to launch your project?

Do you want to launch an ambitious architectural project and have chosen to work with an online architect? You made a wise choice! For this collaboration to be successful, it is crucial to provide clear and precise information. In this page we will guide you step by step, starting with the necessary basic information such as the general description of your project, details about the land or existing one, as well as your budget and the desired deadlines.

Then, we will discuss the aesthetic and functional preferences that you need to communicate, such as the desired architectural style and the functionality of the spaces. Finally, we will discuss the technical and regulatory constraints to take into account. Following these tips will allow you to lay a solid foundation for your project and optimize your collaboration with your online architect.


Basic information to provide to an online architect to launch your project

General description of your project to the online architect

To initiate a successful collaboration with an online architect, it is essential to provide them with an exhaustive and precise description of your project. This includes the nature of the project (new construction, renovation, extension), the objectives you wish to achieve as well as the type of building concerned (individual house, residential building, commercial premises). By expressing your expectations from the start, you allow the architect to understand your specific needs and adopt a personalized approach. For example, if you are considering creating a master suite in your home, mention this clearly so that the architect can incorporate this request into his plans.

Information on the land or existing for the architect online

The preliminary study of the land or existing building constitutes a crucial step for any architectural project. Providing detailed data on the geographic location, the topography of the land, the characteristics of the subsoil and any easements is essential. This information allows the architect to evaluate the technical and environmental constraints inherent to the site. For example:

  • Topography: the slope of the land will influence design and development choices.
  • Basement: Geological characteristics will determine the necessary foundations.
  • Easements: Legal or contractual restrictions may impact the development of the project.

Budget and deadlines for your online project

Establishing a realistic budget and defining deadlines are fundamental elements to guarantee the success of your online architectural project. Clearly communicate your financial constraints as well as your desired deadlines from the start of the collaboration. A good architect will know how to adapt his proposals according to available resources while respecting time constraints. For example, if you have a limited budget but want to obtain a high-end aesthetic result, indicate this so that the architect can propose creative and economical solutions.

Don't forget that good communication with your architect will not only avoid misunderstandings but also ensure a harmonious implementation that meets your expectations.

Aesthetic and functional preferences to communicate to an architect online

Desired architectural style for your online project

When working with an architect online, it is crucial to let them know your stylish preferences. Do you prefer contemporary architecture with clean lines, or are you more attracted to the timeless charm of traditional houses? Perhaps you dream of a minimalist design where each element finds its place with elegance and sobriety? By clearly expressing your tastes, you allow the architect to design a project that truly reflects your vision. For example, if you want a modern home with large floor-to-ceiling windows to maximize natural light, mention this up front.

Functionalities and uses of spaces to be detailed for the online architect

A good architectural project must meet not only aesthetic but also functional criteria. Consider describing the specific uses you envision for each space. Do you need a kitchen open to the living room to encourage friendly family moments? Do you want to integrate a bright and isolated office for teleworking? Or do you aspire to create a playroom dedicated to children? Every detail counts and will allow the architect to adapt his plans accordingly. For example:

  • Kitchen: do you prefer a central island or optimized wall storage?
  • Bathroom: relaxing bathtub or practical Italian shower?
  • Outdoor space: landscaped garden or terrace designed for outdoor dining?

Material and finish preferences for the online architect

The use of materials plays a determining role in the perceived quality and durability of an architectural project. Share your preferences regarding the materials you want to see used: warm solid wood, raw industrial concrete, contemporary stainless steel... The choices are numerous and varied. Likewise, state your expectations for finishes: do you prefer walls painted in soft or bold hues? Tiled or parquet floors? These details will allow the architect to refine his approach and propose solutions perfectly aligned with your desires.

Remember that each decision will impact not only the aesthetics but also the overall budget of the project. Clear communication on these aspects from the start will promote smooth and effective collaboration.

Technical and regulatory constraints to transmit to an online architect

Local standards and regulations to respect for your online project

Each architectural project must comply with local standards and regulations, which vary according to municipalities and regions. It is imperative to provide your online architect with all information relating to the Local Urban Planning Plan (PLU) or any other applicable urban planning document. These documents define precise rules concerning the height of buildings, the distances from property lines, the footprint, as well as the authorized materials. For example, if you are considering an extension into a protected area, it is crucial to check whether any specific restrictions apply.

Technical constraints specific to your land or building for the online architect

The intrinsic characteristics of your land or existing building may impose particular technical constraints. Inform your architect online of any relevant element such as the presence of easements, the nature of the soil (clay, sandy), the topography (sloping terrain), or the existence of underground networks (pipes, electrical cables). These details will allow the architect to develop suitable solutions and avoid any unpleasant surprises during the work. For example:

  • slope of the land: sloping land may require special foundations or terracing;
  • water table: a water table close to the surface could influence the choice of drainage system;
  • existing building: if you are renovating an old building, inform the architect about its initial structure and any weaknesses.

Specific sustainability and energy efficiency requests for the online architect

Today more than ever, integrating criteria of sustainability and energy efficiency into your architectural project is essential. If you want to obtain environmental certification such as HQE (High Environmental Quality) or BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method), mention this from the start. Also indicate your preferences regarding energy systems: photovoltaic solar panels, ecological insulation, rainwater recovery, etc. These choices will impact not only thermal comfort but also the overall energy performance of the building.

Don't forget that a good architect will be able to optimize these aspects while respecting your budgetary constraints. For example:

  • solar panels: their optimal orientation must be taken into account from the design phase;
  • passive systems: such as the strategic use of openings to maximize natural solar gain;
  • ecological materials: favor local and recyclable materials to reduce the carbon footprint of the project.

The harmonious integration of technical constraints and regulatory constraints with your personal requirements will guarantee the overall success of your architectural project.

Humorous FAQ

Which plans of my house should I send to the architect online?
Ah, the plans! If you have the ones from 1950, that's perfect. Otherwise, don't panic, an aerial photo from Google Maps will do the trick to start. Bonus: if you have a photo of your cat on the roof, the architect will know to provide space for its majesty.


Should I mention that I have a collection of garden gnomes?
Absolutely! All information is crucial. Imagine your architect online without this information: cultural disaster guaranteed. Also mention their preferred layout in the garden, so your project will benefit from optimal Feng Shui for dwarves.


How many photos should I send of my current house?
Send as many photos as there are selfies on your phone. At least 50 to be sure. Unexpected angles are highly recommended, such as the inside of your fridge. You never know, inspiration can strike at any time.


Should I specify if I am a Harry Potter fan?
It’s almost obligatory! If you specify this, expect your home to have a closet under the stairs, rooms that change shape, and maybe even a secret passage. Don't be surprised if owls start bringing plans.


Is information about my budget needed?
Oh, just a little indication would be wise, so that the architect doesn't offer you a Venetian palace while you were dreaming of a cabin in the woods. A budget range is ideal, but above all, don't be surprised if the architect suggests a vault if your budget is phenomenal.


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